
Baking: Penny skateboard sugar cookies for a 13th birthday party (how amazing is the Penny colour pallet?) 

Image from pinterest

Enjoying: Ally Pally Deer Park and all of it's little inhabitants. 

Planning: Favourite Things Mini Collections

I recently asked friends and family to name just a few of their favourite things, in turn I will bake mini biscuit collections surrounding their suggestions.  
Answers have all been tallied into a handy dandy notebook - an array of flowers, movies, books and even James Gandolfini (...? cannolis I reckon).

I'm excited about this little project. 

What are your favourite things?

I brought my specky four eye'd self down to get an eye checkup yesterday & update my large nerdy frames. Come Saturday, I'll be settling down with a new pair of cateye-esque Karl Lagerfeld's - or "the Karls" as I kept referring to them as (much to the assistant's bewilderment).

Here's a little preview:

Reading:  Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

This title that came up several times in the "favourite things" project, having never read it I thought I'd give it a go. 
So far, it's just what the doctor ordered.


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